Red Rocket 7 manages to be both more and less ambitious than Allred's better known Madman books. More ambitious because it involved starting a band and recording an album, filming a movie (which I own but have never watched) (of course, that's also true of The Godfather).
Here's what the band sounds like (more), if you don't mind looking at a pretty girl at the same time:
RR7 is also more ambitious in that it tries to marry Allred's popart sensibilities with his love for pop music. Essentially, our title character takes us on tour of rock history.
But it's less ambitious in idea. It takes the depth of Madman's games with religion and faith and reason and hope and despair and just sums them up.
I'm Mr. Fob: half Ben, half Friend Of Ben; I'm my own best friend! I'm the DC guy. My non-imaginary friends--yes, I have a few--will be blogging about their imaginary friends. Spencer is the Marvel guy and Theric is the snooty indie guy. Come be geeks with us!